----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: Pentax K 28mm f2.0 Lens

>> >
>>This is classic blaming the victim syndrome.
>>William Robb
> Respectfully, I disagree.  Nobody twisted anybody's arms when it came to
> getting big fat paychecks and contracts. In Anna Nicole's case, nobody
> twisted her arm to take off her clothes, or marry an elderly millionaire. 
> At
> this point I don't know if you're largely referring to the astronaut or
> Anna.

I'm actually referring to celebrities in general. Some, like Ms. Smith, was 
certainly masters of her own destiny, so to speak, but I can't help but 
think that if they were largely ignored, they wouldn't be showing the self 
destructive tendencies to such an extent.

> However, if you or I were to go totally off the deep end, we would be held
> accountable and be viewed as responsible for our actions.  Why does that 
> not
> hold true for every other person?

It does, but if a person can't leave their house without being followed by a 
gaggle of camera toting idiots, have to keep their curtains closed all the 
time so said idiots can't spy on them, can't go into their back yards 
without having said idiots pointing a super telephoto at them, they will 
probably become a little less than mentally stable.
Our society will stop a person from stalking his ex girlfriend, but it won't 
stop the pseudo press from stalking someone who has the misfortune of having 
a pretty face and some acting talent, a good singing voice, or who hapened 
to fall in love with a prince.

> Another example.
> A person that gets addicted to illegal drugs is at least aware of the
> dangers to some degree, and is aware that is viewed in a negative light by
> society at large.  They go ahead and make the choice to use the substance
> and there life eventually goes to hell because of their choices.  Yes it's 
> a
> sad state of affairs and they should be helped, but it was by and large
> their choices that got them where they're at and no one else.
> An innocent victim is somebody that's crossing the street with the signal
> and gets hit by the bus that runs the red light.  People can also be
> victims, but sometimes they are victims of their own behavior.

Now you aren't talking about the same thing at all.

William Robb 

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