there are many many different types of
battery chargers on the market today
of widely varying sophistication and automation
so I would say that its not quite as simple
as that. Many actually stop charging
completely when the charge light goes
out, so even if you leave it "on"
longer you are not getting any more charge.

For NIMH batteries, What I have settled on is two rate
manually controlled self designed chargers, w/ fast and trickle
charge rates. I use
the fast/high current value @1/8C with a cutoff timer so I dont
overcharge but I can set the total
charge time to whatever I need depending
on the mA Hour rating of the battery
being charged.

I then use the trickle charge
setting/value @ about 1/40C  but don't really do a typical
trickle charge (always charging), I only trickle charge
mine for only one hour a day via
another 24 hour power timer.

This method works well and doesnt
stress the batteries and I have
fully charged batteries always
ready to go without leaving them
charging all the time or having
to keep recharging batteries that
self discharged because they
were not trickled or full charged
recently. The only caveat, and it
can be a big one, is that this
method really only works well with
batteries fully "used up" before
fast charging again, if not sure or
I know only a little discharge has
occured, I just
put on trickle for 24 hours continuous rather
than use any fast charge to be safe
and not overcharge the batteries.

Works for me, your mileage may vary of course.


-----Original Message-----
Godfrey DiGiorgi
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:43 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Battery life on K10D

On Mar 27, 2007, at 7:10 PM, Markus Maurer wrote:

> Is this third party charger only for the Pentax K10D accu or does
> it work
> with other accu brands as well?

It's a CTA charger for the NP400 battery: here's a link to it on

I usually stick the battery on charge and leave it sit on the power  
for a while after the charge light goes out. Typically, the charge  
light goes out when the battery has achieved 85-90% charge on most of  
these types of chargers.


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