
I'm flying to New Zealand (together with another list member) on 14th of 
May so it's about time to ask some questions I guess ;-) (since I 
haven't found too many conversations about subj. in the list archives):

1. where to go? I'm sure there are so many places worth visiting and 
we've got just 8 days for the Southern Island and 5 days for the 
Northern Island. I'd certainly like to experience Rotorua and compare NZ 
fjords with their cousins in Norway. If you know about some hidden gems 
please share your knowledge. Exact GPS coordinates of great photographic 
vistas are especially welcome! (just kidding, I don't have a GPS ;-)).

2. where not to go? Are there some obvious tourist traps which are 
better to be avoided?

3. availability/prices of Pentax lenses and slide film. If the prices 
were substantially closer to the US than to the UK, I'd probably buy 
21Ltd. and perhaps 40Ltd. at the start of our trip (which happens in 
Christchurch). WRT slide film, Kodak EliteChrome or Fuji Sensia is 
enough for me (but of course AGFA RSX-II 50 would be preferable) - is it 
readily available or it's better to take some from home?

4. I'd welcome some tips which car rental company offers most bang for 
the buck - e.g. not the most expensive nor the cheapest one, but with 
solid fleet and services. On our US trip we've used Alamo services and 
we were very satisfied. Also is compact/intermediate car (1.6-2.0l 
engine) enough or it would be a better idea to rent a SUV?

5. And of course the most important question - how about small PDML 
meeting under the Southen Cross? It's always nice to meet fellow 
Pentaxians anywhere in the world, isn't it?

Of course any other suggestions/comments are welcome - if you know for 
example where to buy the best (yet affordable) wine or where to see kiwi 
in the wild - _everything_ is welcome.

If you don't have experience from New Zealand but have some from Hong 
Kong, just substitute NZ in the questions above with HK (except of Q4 - 
we are probably not going to rent a car in HK - it's just stopover on 
the way back home, which means 2 days & 2 nights).

Thank you for any replies!



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