I don't think PS elements is good enough for the stitching part. PS
CS3 included a very good photomerge option.
The best stitcher is PTGui. A very easy, yet powerfull stitcher is

If your subject is a panorama without objects in the foreground (a
landscape) handheld shots are no problem. Camera on manual, horizon in
the middle of the frame and 30-40 % overlap. Try to rotate around the
center of the camera (you shouldn't rotate around the axis of your
body if possible)


> I don't mean the stitching together part; I have  PS books that tell me how
> to do that. And I am good enough with PS (Elements  anyway) that I figure that
> part would not be a major problem.
> So how do  you guys do panoramas anyway? Up until now I have not been
> tempted, but the  other day I came across a scene that would have worked well.
> http://members.aol.com/eactivist/PAWS/pages/field2.htm
> http://members.aol.com/eactivist/PAWS/pages/field1.htm
> Tripod always,  right? Is a level needed?
> How do you make sure that you remain on the  same plane (get the horizon on
> the same plane)?
> If you were going to  shoot a 180 degree shot, how many pictures do you think
> it would take? How much  do you try to overlap?
> I am totally clueless on this one.
> TIA,  Marnie aka Doe :-)  If I don't have to invest in a lot of additional
> equipment, maybe I will try one  someday.
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