Ya want a conspiracy theory here's one.  Jimmy Hoffa is feeling the heat 
from Bobby Kennedy, (Attorney General and brother of the President).  He 
goes to the Godfather of New Orleans Carlos Marcello to get the heat 
taken off, (The teamsters strike fund is a piggy bank for he Mob and it 
Hoffa goes down, they'll lose that major source of income).  Carlos and 
his Consiglieres decide that to Kill Bobby will only anger the President 
and bring down even more pressure, but to Kill the President gets rid of 
the Attorney General as well...

I rather like this one as it keeps the conspirators to a minimum and 
until recently the Mafia was better at keeping secrets than any part of 
the US government.

John Sessoms wrote:
>  From where I sit, I think your first mistake is looking for *A* 
> conspiracy.
> Looks to me like there were multiple overlapping, conflicting 
> conspiracies; at least 2 to kill him and another 2 or 3 to cover it up.
> At least some of the people who killed Kennedy wanted Castro to get the 
> blame so there would be a war with Cuba.
> I think the main charge LBJ gave Earl Warren was for his "investigation" 
> to find anything, any way, to prevent that war, leaving them with no 
> choice but to pin it on Oswald. "Oswald did it" was the only way to slam 
> the door shut on war with Cuba.
> The murderers succeeded in killing Kennedy, but didn't get their war to 
> overthrow Castro.
>> From:
>> graywolf
>> That goes right up there with, "The bullet proves conclusively that 
>> Oswald did it" (The most important piece of evidence in the most 
>> sensational murder case up to that time, just disappears (those UFO 
>> guys must have gotten it)).  The reporters that were on the scene sure 
>> thought shots were coming from two directions (I just happened to be 
>> watching it live on Dallas TV when it happened). There obviously was a 
>> conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States, the 
>> question that has never been adequately explained is "who were the 
>> conspirators?"
>> Stan Halpin wrote:
>>> A second shooter on the hill.

All dogs have four legs; my cat has four legs. Therefore, my cat is a dog.

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