Hi Cory,
Just tell her that you're seeking to become a "better
listener"!!!!  If that doesn't work...."well....at
least I'm not spending time with another woman.." 
Good luck! Regards, Mike Steele

--- Cory or Brenda Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was just taking some shots of my daughter with my
> A3000.  I hadn't used it
> much since I got my MZ-5N and I was struck by how
> much cooler it sounds than
> the newer camera.  There's a definite KA-chunk with
> the A3000 followed by
> the winder.  The winder sounds like it's working a
> bit to advance the film.
>   On the MZ 5N, it's much more sterile.  The
> mirror/shudder noise is
> relatively non-existent and the winder sounds less
> interesting.  Sounds a
> lot more like my Kodak advantix P&S than the sound
> in my head that
> represents expensive(good?) cameras.  (Think early
> 80's pop song by the J.
> Giles Band "Freeze Frame")
>   I don't have a lot of experience with SLR cameras.
>  The two I have are the
> only ones I've messed with for any length of time. 
> I guess I'll have to buy
> a bunch of cameras to evaluate the noises they make
> so I can report to the
> list...:)
> Cory Waters
> Thinking my wife won't buy that particular reasoning
> and will counter any
> enableing that might flow from other list members.
> :(
> -
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