Mark Roberts wrote:
> AlunFoto wrote:
>> That's a good idea, Mark.
>> Love that oak and vine pic, btw. Looks like one of the sceneries from
>> the elf forest in Lord of the Rings, or maybe from World of
>> Warcraft...
> Thanks! I'm really proud of that photo. It took a lot of work to make 
> it look just the way I wanted but it was worth it in the end. The print 
> is one of my all-time favorites.
> I'm usually opposed to the idea of spending hours and hours massaging 
> images in Photoshop; my feeling is that if it doesn't look reasonably 
> good with just a few tweaks you should just move on to another image 
> (or re-shoot that one). But I made an exception for this shot because I 
> could just *feel* there was a great photograph in there wanting to be 
> let out.
> BTW: I just kind of picked 8 photos at random to begin my photoblog, 
> but scanning over it just now, I think I like the selection and find it 
> somehow representative of how I think about photography (scary as that 
> concept might be!) The subconscious mind at work, no doubt...
Is that the print you showed us at GFM?  Frickin' amazing work.  Kinda 
has that St. Ansel contrast.  Very nice.

Scott Loveless

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