Last thursday I was looking for a UV filter, but I had no time to go to my
usual seller, so I went into a little shop, the first one I found. While
asking for the filter, on a shelf I spotted an old Pentax lens box (the one
white in the upper part, red in the middle and black below). I cannot trust my
poor sight, but it looked like that in the little rectangular white label down
on the left,  it was written "35 mm F3.5". My old 35!, after 21 years!
(Flashback: when I bought my first camera, a MX, I chose a 35 mm as standard
lens, and the K f/3,5 was far cheaper than the then (1978) new M series' f/2
or f 2.8. I was very happy with this lens, and then added a used K 200 f/4. A
odd pair of lens, but I loved both, and, I had no money to buy any other one
(I was 18). Two years later they robbed me of all the gear. When I managed to
buy another MX, one more year later, the tiny budget allowed me to get a M 50
f/1.7. Since then, I have been regretting the lost of both 35 and 200. Yes, I
got a A 35 f/2.8 and a M 200 f/4, but I always missed the old pair).
I asked for the price, and it was 260 euros (about $ 230). "Not a bargain for
used stuff" I said. "Used? It's brand new!". It *WAS BRAND NEW*! Possibly it
had been sleeping 25 years on that shelf!! The box needed a sprinkling, but
the lens, and its case & strap, were mint. There were both the sheet with
serial number and feet/meters conversion tablewere and the booklet "SMC PENTAX
LENSES  K ", too.
Back at home, the lens mounted on the MX, I enjoyed the reading of the
booklet. Whew, it is the 200 f/4 which is displayed in the cover, mounted on a
silver K2....
Now the questions:
At pages 32-33 ("Specifications") are listed the K series lenses, with their
features. Some K lenses are missing in this list:
18 / 3,5
24 / 2.8
28 / 2
28 / 3.5 Shift
30 / 2.8
55 / 2
100 / 4 Bellows
200 / 2.5
1000 / 11 Reflex
2000 / 13,5 Reflex
Zoom 28 - 50 / 3.5 - 4.5
Zoom 85 - 210 / 3.5
Zoom 400 - 600 / 8 - 12 Reflex
The question is: When were theese lenses released? According to B.Dimitrov's
site the most of the K lenses was introduced in 1975, but he includes in this
first issue the 18 mm, the 24mm/2,8, the 30 mm and the 100 mm Bellows. Were
they introduced in the same year, but in a second time (after the bookled was
OTOH, Bozhidar states that the 28 / 3.5 and the 150 / 4 were introduced,
respectively, in 1976 and 1977. But they actually are present in the booklet's
Can anyone of you give me the right answer?
Another related question: when did the indication on the lens' front ring
change? In the oldest K lenses, the focal lenght does not include "mm"
(millimeters), and the lettering is different (thiner types, more space
between two letters).
Thank you
Fabio (very happy with his 35/3.5, and still hoping to come across a K
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