Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2007, at 1:10 PM, Adam Maas wrote:
>> ... I get more quality for a given amount of effort from 645 than I  
>> would
>> from even a K10D, even if the max available quality (K10D RAW vs. 4490
>> scans of my 645 negs) is essentially the same. ...
> Hmm. I find quite the opposite:
> - Fit camera to tripod.
> - Meter. Focus. Expose scene.
> Once home with K10D:
> - Put card in reader.
> - Tell Lightroom to import files
> - Pick good ones.
> - Adjust as required.
> - Print 13x19.
> Done
> Once home with P645:
> - Load film into processing tank.
> - Process.
> - Remove film and hang to dry.
> - Cut film into strips.
> - Pick good ones on light table.
> - Scan each good one.
> - Tell Lightroom to import files
> - Adjust as required.
> - Print 13x19
> Done
> Seems to me there are a few more time consuming, tedious steps to do  
> with the P645 than there are with the K10D. Presuming that I've  
> focused and composed with equal competence, I've put more effort into  
> the P645 for the same quality.
> Godfrey

The difference being I find developing & scanning to be 
non-tedious(although somewhat time consuming, developing in particular 
I enjoy, it's almost meditation for me), and working in Photoshop to be 
tedious. And as I shoot a fair bit of E6 or C41 in the camera, 
developing isn't always an issue.


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