Tom C wrote:
> Well I'm sorry you don't get it.
No, I think you don't get it.

First of all, your hubcap or owners manual analogy is neither here nor 
there. A hubcap or an owners manual is not integral to the operation of 
a car, and I've never seen any that have a price that's anywhere near 
the price of the car itself.

Like I said, there isn't really any equivalent to the camera body and 
lens situation in the auto industry, but if anything, the lens is like 
the engine. Maybe it's somewhat more relevant to compare with boats, 
where people might actually buy the engine separately. If we do, we 
might say you are complaining that the big Johonsonian sweepstake gives 
away outboard engines and not boats.

Secondly: My main point was that Pentax is not just a camera company, 
but also an optical company. And I don't mean a camera company that 
fiddles around in the optical business a bit so as to have something to 
put on their camera bodies. Pentax is an optical company first, a camera 
a company second. And you are complaining because they give away optics...
> Even though we now know the site was not designed to attract new business to 
> Pentax, let me ask... If you won an owners manual or a hubcap for an 
> automobile you didn't own, what would you do with it?
Let me ask you instead: If you owned a car without a hubcap, what would 
you do with it?

Now, consider a camera without a lens...

And apart from all that, if I was about to buy a camera, and was given 
an expensive lens for one particular system, I really do think I would 
choose a body matching it.

- T

> Tom C.
>> From: Toralf Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>> Subject: Re: Contest
>> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 20:36:19 +0200
>> Tom C wrote:
>>> No why would I have a problem with anyone receiving a nice prize?  You
>>> obviously chose to ignore my first two sentences.
>>> I'm just pointing out the irony of a *camera company* having "legendary"
>>> products not giving some of those legendary cameras away in a 'contest'.
>> Actually, I'm not sure Pentax is a camera company. Or I guess they may
>> be, but a *camera company*? I doubt it. After all, we are talking about
>> the manufacturer of the stuff my optometrist will put inside the frames
>> if I buy a new pair of specs from him...
>>> It would be like a major auto manufacturer running a contest and instead 
>> of
>>> including an automobile as a prize, they give away owners manuals or
>>> hubcaps.
>> It's actually rather more like if Suzuki decided to give you a motorbike
>> instead of a car. But not quite. Actually, I can't think of a good
>> analogy in the business you are referring to; yours definitely makes
>> little sense. Unless you know a hubcap producer that has later expanded
>> into an automobile manufacturer.
>> - T
>>> Tom C.
>>>> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>>>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>>>> Subject: Re: Contest
>>>> Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:35:28 -0700
>>>> Gads, Tom. How could they make such an egregious error?
>>>> Sheesh. It seems you always something to be critical about, even when
>>>> someone has been gifted with a very nice prize unexpectedly. I guess
>>>> for some people the glass is always half empty.
>>>> Godfrey
>>>> On Sep 12, 2007, at 9:09 AM, Tom C wrote:
>>>>> Good for you. Getting a free lens when you're already a Pentax user is
>>>>> great.
>>>>> Pentax is being pretty cheap and backwards though.  Why not give
>>>>> away a few
>>>>> camera bodies to boot?  That way people that visit
>>>>> that are
>>>>> not Pentax users, if winning a body, would be introduced to Pentax
>>>>> and have
>>>>> an incentive to buy more Pentax gear.
>>>>> OTOH, If I went to a site like this and I was not a current Pentax
>>>>> owner,
>>>>> none of the prizes, not even a lens or a flash, would provide me the
>>>>> incentive to run out and spend money on a body to go with it.
>>>>> They can't afford to include a single K10D or K100D on the prize list?
>>>> --
>>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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