John Graves wrote:

> Given the number of OT's, I think it ok to add to the mix.  Leroy 
> Whitter  is my great great grandfather and the person for whom my 
> Grandfather was named.   Although everyone who really know my 
> Grandfather called him Roy, a source of great merriment to my siblings 
> and cousins.
> Leroy Whittier
> My brother, who has done an amazing amount of genealogical  research 
> found the death record in a Boston Paper.  The physical paper is long 
> gone as it had been microfilmed.  

Just because it has been microfilmed it does not mean that the original 
has been destroyed.  Even if the philistine newspaper owners have done 
it with their copy, I would be suprised if a copy from a library has 
gone the same way.

I think you are probably out of luck regarding any further repair to the 
  scan of the newspaper image.  That image was not of good quality to 
start with......

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