At 11:36 10.11.2001 +1100, Kevin wrote:
>> Yes, Linux is good for the servers:
>> 2:55pm  up 102 days,  2:27,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
>> But there is not enough software available for workstations to
>> use Linux only.
>I use Linux only. What is missing?

Most of the softwares I am using at work. I'd be happy to 
use Linux only, but it is simply not possible.


* Antti-Pekka Virjonen * Fiskarsinkatu 7 D       * GSM: +358 400 789753 *
* Computec Oy Turku    * FIN-20750 Turku Finland * Fax: +358 2 413 7777 *
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