"Jan van Wijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 19:12:44 -0500, Mark Roberts wrote:

>>I certainly wouldn't have spent a
>>thousand dollars on a new body (MZ-S) to go with my existing lenses if I thought
>>I'd have to replace them soon to go with a different brand digital SLR. I just
>>bought Ed Mathews 43/1.9 Limited but that's going to be my last Pentax lens or
>>body purchase until I'm confident that there'll be a compatible digital body in
>>the near future. I can't afford to go down a dead end path. (I don't think I am,
>>by the way; I'm just being cautious.)
>I feel exactly the same, I was planning on buying the 3-lens limited set (31, 43 and 
>for my MZ-3 / PZ1 / LX,  and waiting for the MZ-D to use them on later.
>I will certainly wait for a formal announcement of a new Pentax Digital SLR now!

I'm sure we're not the only ones who have deferred purchases until the situation
is clarified.

>I hope it will be a 4 to 5Mp, with a focal-multiplier of 1.3 or 1.4.
>If that is offered for US $3000 to $3500 with other specs comparable to the MZ-D,
>I will get one for sure ...

I won't buy one until full-frame version is available, but the release of any
digital SLR - even with a smaller-than-full-frame CCD - would give me enough
confidence to resume buying Pentax gear in general (a 15mm would be first on my
list: I would have killed for one today!)

What's interesting is that within two or three years we'll see people just
getting into photography (just getting serious about it, anyway) *starting out*
with a digital SLR, having moved up from an all-in-one digicam. Then later, when
they consider *film* (it'll happen eventually!), they'll look for a film camera
that's compatible with the lenses they already have for their digital. Just the
opposite of the situation we have now.

Mark Roberts
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