aimcompute wrote:

> It was rainy here until about 5:00 PM.  Clouds moved out and it was clear
> from about 11:00 PM - 12:30 AM.  I may have gotten a number of shots during
> that time, including one with several horizon grazers moving east to north.
> This was before Leo was in the sky.

Its 5:45 here in Australia and I have just returned from what was a
dissapointing shoot.
The forcast was for Thunder storms but at 3:00am it was clear and stars galore.

I walked to the beach (about 50 yards) where there is a viewing platform and
from street lights etc. As I walked down the road, whooosh overhead, a leonid
streaks across the sky, a second later another, and another.

I arive at the beach and set up my K1000  with cable release, 28mm lens with
manfrotto tripod and
point it at the Southern Cross constellation and start exposing a few frames of
the Kodak 400
film. After about 10 frames I decided this is not where the action is a swing
the camera to the
North East and expose a few frames in that direction as the Southern sky I had
just been
focused on a minute before bursts into an incandecant display.

Not to be put off I maintain position and watch as the clouds roll in with
lightening bursting
with it. A few shots are ruined by lightening strikes but I prevail and by 3:45
am the sky
is completly overcast and a few drops of rain falling. I stay awhile and watch
as the first rays
of light signal the end of any attempt to continue, so I take a parting shot of
the sunrise which
is rather lack-lustre and return home. Did I catch any leonids on film in that
short time.
Well, I had exposures from 10 to 120 seconds, so we will what comes back from
the lab.

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