I wanted to see how sharp a picture my ZX-M could take with my 
three lenses. I have a 50mm f/2.0 SMC-A, a 135mm f/3.5 SMC-M 
and a 200mm f/4.0 SMC-M. I used Elite Chrome 200, mounted the 
camera on a tripod and shot a section of brick wall with each lens. 
They were all of the same section of wall so the distances were 
approximately 4 feet, 10 feet and 15 feet respectively. I set the 
aperture to f/8 and let the meter determine shutter speed, which 
showed in the viewfinder as 1/15 second.

The good news is that all the pictures were sharp from edge to edge 
and in the corners. Also, I bracketed focus just a small nudge too 
shallow and a small nudge too deep on each shot and the slides with 
the "correct" focus was the sharpest, although the differences were 
pretty small and in some cases indistinguishable (since I was at f/8, 
I suppose).

The bad news is that the exposures were not the same. The shot at 
50mm was a perfectly exposed slide. The shot at 135mm was just a 
tiny bit darker, barely perceptible. The shot at 200mm was noticably 
darker than the other two. Now I know that my SMC-A lens let the 
camera use matrix metering on the 50mm shot. But both the 135mm 
and 200mm ones used the center-weighted metering since they are 
pre-A lenses, right?

If I weren't comparing the 50mm and 135mm slides side by side on 
a light table they would each look "well exposed" but the 200mm one 
is not a well-exposed slide, it looks dark. The 135mm and 200mm 
lenses were purchased used through KEH and the 200mm one was 
a "bargain" that has no marks on the glass but you can tell it's been 
around the block a time or two exterior-appearance-wise. So is it 
possible that its aperture setting is off by a half or two-thirds of a 
stop? How should I try to test that further?
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