Mike Hamilton wrote:
> Hey all,
>    I've been interested in the Panasonic L1 since it was released, and  
> I'm now considering purchasing one for $400 (without the legendary  
> Leica kit lens).  What are the limitations of using K-mount lenses on  
> this body?  
The same as using a Pre A lens on any Pentax Digital mount body.

> As far as I'm aware, they need an aperture ring (so my  
> FA20-35 would work, but the DA21 would not).  How is metering via  
> adapter?  
Stop down...
> If I could get the Leica 14-50 2.8-3.5  with it for $800, I  
> might go for that...
You could look into "inexpensive" Olympus lenses...
> Any significant issues that you've come across?  I'm planning to use  
> this body to complement my K10D.  Perhaps I'd eventually get the  
> Olympus 25/2.8.
If you're looking for a smaller lighter backup camera and want to use 
the same lenses as your K20D I'd suggest the K200D, (that is if you 
really need 10mp).  The L1 uses in lens image stabilization and doesn't 
support sensor image stablization, so if that's not important for you 
and you can get by with only 6mp in your backup I think you'd be better 
off with a *ist-Ds.  They're relatively cheep used these days.  The L1 
just doesn't strike me as the most rational choice. 
> Thanks,
> Mike

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