On 3-Jun-08, at 4:24 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:
> If you're looking for a smaller lighter backup camera and want to use
> the same lenses as your K20D I'd suggest the K200D, (that is if you
> really need 10mp).  The L1 uses in lens image stabilization and  
> doesn't
> support sensor image stablization, so if that's not important for you
> and you can get by with only 6mp in your backup I think you'd be  
> better
> off with a *ist-Ds.  They're relatively cheep used these days.  The L1
> just doesn't strike me as the most rational choice.

    I'm not really looking for a backup camera.  I'm looking for  
something different, with strengths that complement my K10D.  I think  
the L1 fits that bill, with Live View, the boxy rangefinder design,  
and external controls.


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