On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 03:06:18PM -0800, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
> Macworld Expo is going on and I hear a lot of WOW this and that on the  
> news and on line. I was in SF yesterday. Did a bit of gallery visiting. 
> Visited the Macworld exhibition too.

I stopped off at Macworld today.

> Saw tons of people wandering around with massive DSLRs and big lenses  
> hung from their necks, as well as big bag or backpack stuffed full of  
> photo gear. I didn't see many pictures being taken, and I have to say  
> that I wonder what the point of carrying 20 pounds of expensive camera  
> gear around a show floor for several hours might be unless you're using 
> it to make photographs. WOW.

That's why I left my cameras at home. The K10D/BG2/16-50 is no lightweight.
I did see a lot of people actually using their heavy cameras, though.

> I played with the Nikon D700 and D300 again at the Nikon booth. Nice ... 
> solid, professional quality cameras. Good lenses. I didn't bother to pick 
> up the D3x or D3, I know they're great pieces of equipment. WOW.

Yep.  Nikon had an awful lot of good stuff on display.  As did Canon,
at their booth.  One surprise was a booth for Samy's camera!

I even saw a Pentax (K20D) at one of the booths; that was what the
Lensbaby folks were using to show off their toys.

> My meander through the show was as it usually goes nowadays. I wander  
> the edges of the exhibition space looking at the small booths and  
> talking to people. The usual suspects were there, I picked up a couple  
> of pieces of literature, talked to a few old friends and colleagues. It 
> was a good show.

I wasn't that thrilled - at times it seemed like half the booths were
trying to sell me fancy cases of some kind (even some camera bags),
and a large chunk of the rest were selling RAID servers (Buffalo,
Lacie, Drobo, and a whole slew of Pacific Rim companies - everything
from USB-powered boxes to multi-terabyte high-bandwidth video servers).

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