Thanks everyone for the input! Much appreciated.
I will look at this again when back in Oslo with access to a proper
screen and PS CS3.

On this laptop screen the midtones doesn't really look very muddy, but
I suspect the gamut is rather narrow.

Mark guessed right about the intent of the shot. I wanted this to be a
real low-key shot because there was a truly leaden sky in the last
half-hour of usable light yesterday afternoon. A respectable winter
storm was just about to hit land.
He also observed that I had whitened the surf, and that I had overdone
it. I suspect I will agree when I see it on a different screen. :-)

Ann: there wasn't much colour around in the first place. I liked the
b&w better than the blueish tint in the colour version.

Thanks again

2009/1/12 AlunFoto <>:
> Hi gang,
> One time has to be the first, right?
> How can I do this better? - Apart from that silly mat and frame with
> the writing on, of course. Please ignore that...
> Jostein
> --


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