I'll play, Jostein--see below . . .

From: "AlunFoto" <alunf...@gmail.com>

Here's my list.

One thing I really like about the K10/20 is the quietness. I can
assure you from direct experience that both Nikon D3 and D700, and
Canon's 1D mk II and 5D are noisier that the Pentaxes. Just slightly,
but noisier. However, I could live with a louder mirror flap from
Pentax if I got a faster mirror flap. In other words, a higher frame
rate. For continuous shooting with the K20D there's a "hi" and a "lo"
setting, but there's hardly any difference between them.

Agreed--I have a hi/lo setting on a Canon T90 I own & there's a significant difference between the 2. I'd really like that on the K20D as well. The frame rate definitely could use some enhancing.

Pimp it,
Pentax! Make the "hi" setting worthwhile having. 4 or 5 FPS would be
great! To me, this is important for catching the significant moments
in action-filled interplay between animals.

For people too, and especially kids, and I definitely want to do more sports/action photography. I really liked the few times shooting this genre when I had the chance last summer.

A second thing I really like is the versatile battery grip that comes
with K10/20D. With the extra battery and room left for a spare SD card
and a remote control. However, I do have a suggestion for improvement.
I would like to leave out the remote control and spare card, and put
in an SSD disk. Or a full stack of SDHC cards connected to the camera,
like a second card slot.

Now this is an excellent suggestion. Good one Jostein & rational is perfect.

The third thing I would like is for the camera to be operable with
gloves, or even mittens, on.

I wear leather gloves all the time & have no problem, but with the outdoor shooting you do in your area, you probably have much thicker gloves & mittens than me.

A fourth thing I would like to see is improved noise-curbing. I'm not
all together happy with the K20D there. When shooting in "B" mode, the
dark-frame subtraction seems to become inaccurate with longer exposure
times. I have deliberately put this at the bottom of my list because
these are issues that all the manufacturers are racing to be best at
anyway. I'm sure we'll see substantial improvement in noise handling
with the next generation of Pentax cameras as well. For myself, I only
wish for more user-control over how and when the noise reduction is
applied. There is some, but not enough, in my opinion. Like for
example that it cannot be turned off all together. Nor can dark-frame
subtraction be adjusted when working in "B" setting.

This is something I want because the K20D has rekindled my fascination
with long-exposure light photography, and I'd love to have even more
creative control over this.

Hear, hear. I'd love better noise reduction as well--though I do think the K20D is a really great improvement over the K10D. I'd like to do a lot more night photography because I like the genre & I'm not really a morning person & don't see myself, in the future, doing primarily morning light stuff. I'm more likely to do stuff later in the day/night--& I'd really like to try my hand at the Astro stuff like Dave Savage is so terrific at. But I also like the low light indoor stuff, which leads me to another wish: BETTER LOW LIGHT AUTOFOCUS. This, in my view, needs to be improved.

One thing I would add is that I'd like the next camera to be really lean in terms of features. Now that I own the K20D I have the burst mode & the in-camera processing & the fun filters etc--so if I wanted to use those features in a playful way, I'd reach for the K20D. But I'd love a really lean Pro level camera--course that doesn't mean I could afford it :-). That's about all I can think of right now. Great thread, Jostein. Cheers, Christine

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