Thanks for the tip. I have Composer as part of Netscape Communicator. I thought
I might redo my site based on the PUG format. That would give me a lot of
linked thumbnails to work with. You're right about being complacent once
something is up. But I'm going to try not to do that. I visited your site. It's
absolutely stunning. It gives me something to shoot for.
Happy holidays,

Richard Seaman wrote:

> Paul,
>     I enjoyed your website photos, particularly the Mexico City sanctuary
> (though it's a shame the top part of the sanctuary is slightly cropped -
> still, can't have everything!) and I was amazed by the colors in "leaf and
> pine".
>     As far as your website construction is concerned, could I highly
> recommend getting hold of Netscape Composer?  It's free for download from
>  It's part of the Netscape browser, just select "file"
> then "edit page" and you're in Composer.  It's pretty much a "what you see
> is what you get" editor, and you never have to look at another line of HTML
> again, if you don't want to!
>     I've noticed a phenomenon with people who start to create their own
> website; many people start and then reach a plateau, not adding more stuff
> to their website because it's slightly burdensome.  That's where I think
> Composer helps a lot - you can concentrate on your photography and leave the
> details of web development to Composer.  To me, it's a bit like the rabbit
> and the hare: some people start out doing fancy stuff manually but soon give
> up, but if you keep it simple then you can concentrate on the content and
> it's easy to add new pages.  With simple blank templates you can quickly put
> up a new page just replacing the template images with your new photographic
> images.
>     Sorry to hear about your hard drive crash, and Merry
> Christmas/Hannukah/Eid/Kwaanza, etc...
> Richard.
> home page:
> --- original message ---
> From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> After considerable knashing of teeth and whining to Shel about how hard
> this is, I have finally managed to construct the beginnings of a
> website. I still haven't figured out the thumbnail thing, so I have to
> apologize for a page of medium size jpegs, but at least it's a page :-).
> And I don't think these would be the photos I would choose to define my
> work, but, hey, they were hanging around on my hard drive. So with all
> those disclaimers, it's here
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