Paul ...

I believe that you might be better off writing some simple code
yourself, just using a text editor.  I use Notepad and put my entire
site together with just that and some HTML checking programs to be sure
there were no errors in the code.  My site is simple, but as Jostein
mentioned, you only have to know a few code words.  Then, once you
understand the basics (and there are numerous tutorials on line that
offer help along with examples of code to use as templates for your own
designs) a WYSIWYG editor, or other types/styles of editors, can be

I tried Composer today while putting together an addendum to the Filter
factor page I put up.  Ghastly!  It was actually more work to use
Composer than it was to write the whole thing in Notepad, since I could
cut-and-paste the layout and cell information.

What I see is that you're getting advice from several people, all with
different experiences, needs, and preferences.  I think, though, that
you must find your own way WRT the how of doing the coding, but, IAC,
you must learn something about coding before deciding on the way that's
right for you. 

When I was getting started Bill Robb helped me a lot.  The thing was, I
knew so little, I didn't understand what he was trying to show me.  Only
after visiting a few tutorial sites, and actually writing a simple
template to put up a photograph, did i start to understand what he was
telling me.

During the early part of my learning process I visited a number of web
sites and pages, and copied the code from any that looked interesting. 
I used those templates as study tools, and sometimes played with them to
see what making certain changes would look like.  After some time it
became clear as to what I wanted to do, and, lo and behold, when I went
back to what Bill sent me, I actually understood it.

Rob Studdert was helpful, too, and offered his own style and approach -
again very helpful, although some of it was a little too advanced for me
to understand.  There were also a few others on the list who, when I put
up a page, offered suggestions for writing better code, or things that I
should be concerned about when writing code.

I don't believe there's a shortcut to learning this stuff, but with a
few minutes of your time and a text editor, I know you can put up your
first page with the information you already have.  Just start small -
put up one picture, place it somewhere on the page, set a border around
it and a background color for the page, and with just about a dozen
lines of code, you're in business.  Let the list comment on how it looks
and the coding.  Make the changes that appeal to you, make a note of all
the criticism, use the results as a template for every other picture you
put up.

Then learn how to link the picture to a thumbnail or text.  Again quite
simple, although if you're like me, you may stumble a bit.  Once you've
got that done, it's a simple matter to make an entire site of pictures,
using thumbnail galleries or links.

Paul Stenquist wrote:
> Thanks for the tips, Jostein. I'm going to see if I can find Allaire
> Homesite.
> Paul
> Jostein wrote:
> > I agree with Shel and advice against Netscape Composer.
> > However, most visual editors produce more code than really needed.
> > Microsoft Word and FrontPage are some of the worst examples, but it
> > seems that none are perfect. The real problem with this is, imo, that
> > the code is totally unreadable afterwards. The extra bandwidth they
> > produce is not significant.

Shel Belinkoff
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