2009/7/23 Joseph Tainter <jtain...@mindspring.com>:
> Pentax claimed that the K7 would have lower noise. This is clearly not so.
> The difference is especially apparent at ISO 3200 and 6400 (both of which I
> would like to use).

When I look at those images, it strikes me that the K20D pics looks
slightly underexposed. I downloaded the ISO 1600 images and compared
the histograms, and that only reinforced the impression. However I
don't have any photo editing software on the computer I'm at today, so
I can't lift the K20D image to see how comparable brightness affects
the noise comparison. I suspect they will become quite similar,

> I'm glad I haven't yet bought a K-7. I may still buy one, but not for better
> noise. Or I may wait to see what testing shows when the K8 comes out.

Some rumor mill had it that 8 was avoided because of Asian
connotations about bad luck, and that K-9 was unacceptable to cat
lovers. Or something. :-)

Seriously, though, I personally believe the K-7 to be a sort of
one-off; a test-bed for technology intended for the 645 due next year.



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