Ken Waller wrote:

>From: "William Robb" <>
>> From: "eckinator"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I quickly came to the realization that if I get it right in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the camera, I can save myself boatloads of post processing time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is everyone so damned busy processing posts?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm on the fence about that.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't worry, I'll picket up from here.
>>>>>>>>>>> Don't you guys ever get board with the pun threads?
>>>>>>>>>> Why wood we?
>>>>>>>>> They're just knot very funny.
>>>>>>>> So the anti-punsters will just have to grain and bear it.
>>>>>>> I think they should be pulped!
>>>>>> now you're being fictitious!
>>>>> no, just quentintious...
>>>> there there, here's a quentin solace...
>>> I guess I have my master in quentin physics for a reason ]=)
>> Thats travolting 
>But isn't that going against the grain ?

Now you're making me cross - cut it out!

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