Is anyone in this group actually using the K-x?
Okay, there seems to be a battery issue with the K-x, but for me it
hasn't been the limiting factor to dig deeper into the camera. After I
turned off the Distortion correction & Lateral chromatic aberration
correction the camera is just as snappy as K20 (or even a bit more). I
always shoot in RAW+ with Highlight correction (former D-range) and
Shadow correction on.
I was expecting much from the high ISO settings and I was not
disappointed: the results are beyond anything I have seen from Pentax so
far, noise levels and shadow detail in low light are just about superb.
So far I have been shooting with the DA 2,8/25mm Limited Macro and DA
2,4/70mm Limited. Both lenses snap faster and more accurately into focus
as when they are used on K20.
I deduce that K-x will open up a completely new chapter of available
light photography for Pentax-shooters...
I am mostly on lithium power. Just to satisfy my curiosity I tried
Eneloops and they worked fine. I even tried some semi-dry NiMh piles
from Sony, first the camera wouldn't power on - I guess this is the
issue when you change batteries and turn power on instantly. On the
second try the camera powered on with the battery indicator red. On the
third try the battery level went orange and the camera worked fine. I
will report more about the battery issue as I get more mileage.
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