From: Sandra Hermann
The mall cop said because other children were on the Carousel it was
illegal. I didn't believe him, but didn't wanna take a chance either.

The mall cop is, as my grandmother was wont to say, "full of sawdust and slough water." I won't say what I think he's full of.

It's another of those power trips. "You can't do that because I said so."

Little, by little our freedoms are eroded. First they take away our right to photograph our own families in a public space ... then what?

Is there a local chapter of the ACLU? I'd suggest contacting them and asking if they'd be willing to write a letter of complaint to the mall's management.

Might not hurt to contact whatever local TV/Radio yellow journalists you can find in your area, and see if they'd be interested in asking the mall management "Why are your security guards threatening to arrest a mother for photographing her own child on the mall carousel?" I'm sure there's some station that has a "troubleshooter".

Good theater if they can set up an ON AIR interview in front of the carousel. Better theater if they interview YOU in front of the carousel and then ask the mall management to explain just what kind of idiots they are.

I realize this is making a mountain out of a molehill, and you'd probably rather just get on with your life, but you keep piling one molehills on top of one another and eventually you do have a mountain.

Besides, I'm a born troublemaker. It's my god given right to be an asshole for the First Amendment.

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