On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 09:08:32AM -0500, frank theriault scripsit:
> On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Toine <to...@repiuk.nl> wrote:
> > What's so bad about adobe's flash? I like it.
> It's not that it's bad, it's that I don't have it.  Tried downloading
> it onto my new-to-me computer with newly-installed Ubuntu OS (which I
> really like) but Ubuntu didn't like that so it didn't install
> properly.  Whatever's there is corrupted so I can't uninstall it, and
> all freeware Flash equivalents won't install as long as those corrupt
> Adobe files are there.
> So I'm stuck without it until I can figure out how to clean the
> corrupt ones out.

Did you install using an Adobe tarball or something?  (If you give me
more information I can probably tell you what to do to fix it, though
you're safer getting somebody to come by and look at it.  If all else
fails, getting a list of the files and using rm -f as the superuser
("root") _will_ remove those files.)

Ok, Rule 1 -- if it's not in a package (I think the current Ubuntu
package manager is called "synaptic"; if you can't find it in the
package manager GUI regardless) you don't install it.  Period, end of
sentence, full stop.

Instructions for installing flash on Ubuntu 9.04 and subsequent: 


Rule 2 - Adobe hates and fears Linux; we don't know why, but we *do*
know that you're much, much better off letting someone else figure out
how to really get the Adobe application to run on your linux distro, so
you never use the Adobe version of anything for linux "raw", you find
the website that the crazed guy who has figured out how to make it work
has put up and use the download from there.

Rule 3 - There are open source browsers so standards compliant that
almost all JavaScript and flash don't work when they load the page.  It
doesn't mater if you have Flash properly installed or not, the browser
is expecting the web page to conform to the standard, it doesn't, and
the Flash or Javascripty part of the page doesn't load.

This is usually useful -- many ads, pop-overs, etc. never manage to
load, never mind display -- but it means you should use something using
the Gecko engine (Firefox, Galleon, etc.) for looking at JavaScript or
Flash heavy websites.

-- Graydon

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