I'm not Graydon, but you mount it on your computer and rename it like
any other file.
On 1/7/2010 9:13 AM, Jack Davis wrote:
Thanks much Graydon. How would I be able to name an image "on the memory card?"
--- On Wed, 1/6/10, Graydon<o...@uniserve.com> wrote:
From: Graydon<o...@uniserve.com>
Subject: Re: Shot Counter
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List"<pdml@pdml.net>
Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 5:06 PM
On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 04:57:41PM
-0800, Jack Davis scripsit: [snip]
Obviously, it won't matter unless I decide to sell it,
but I let
Pentax know I am displeased and anxious to learn the
You can set the shot counter to anything by:
rename an image file on the memory card to imgp9999.dng or
sticking this memory card in the camera
power on the camera
take a picture
power off the camera
remove the memory card
rename that image file to whatever number is one less than
the number
you want
put the card back in the camera
take a picture
(Haven't actually done this, but it's a logical consequence
of "resets
to the higher value if there's a higher value on the
My current K20D shot counter value is the nicely
symmetrical 3553; I
can't remember how many times the counter has been around,
though; it's
either twice or thrice. The 3553 is not an indication
of relatively low
-- Graydon
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
interface subtly weird.\par
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