They've had several Camera of the Year contenders lately, for the segment the aim at they also design very good cameras. They just haven't produced a really high end contender since the LX.

On 1/13/2010 7:05 AM, David Savage wrote:
2010/1/13 John Sessoms<>:
From: David Savage
On 12/01/2010, Mark Roberts<>  wrote:
David Savage wrote:

2010/1/12 Mark Roberts<>:
BTW: John Carlson told me he probably won't be able to make it to
this year, as he's trying to cut down on the amount of time he
on the road. Probably just as well - by the middle of the year I
expect the *only* questions he'll be fielding will include the
"full frame".
Frankly, if Pentax can't significantly improve it's AF&  exposure
consistency then putting a FF sensor in their current tech would be a
serious waste of time.
That's simply untrue. AF is not a major issue for some people. I'd
much prefer a high-res FF camera with current AF capability to another
15MP APS-C camera with state-of-the-art AF.
If Pentax were to introduce a FF camera, it would have to represent
the sate of the art in their DSLR line-up. Otherwise the only people
to buy it would be the Pentax faithful.
Who is Sony expecting to sell their new full frame body to? Do they have a
reservoir of "Sony faithful" to draw on?
Sony has better brand name recognition for people entering the the
DSLR market than Pentax.

I think it would need BETTER auto-focus than is currently available. Maybe
not "state of the art", but enough improvement to make it worth trading up.

But whether anyone beyond the "Pentax faithful" would buy it is going to
depend on the value of the entire package.

Pentax has to sell full-frame lenses as well as a full frame body. It's been
pointed out here before that the camera manufacturer makes most of their
money selling lenses to be used with the bodies.

The following is strictly MY OPINION, FWIW ...

For Pentax to remain viable, their next DSLR offering has to be as much of
an improvement over the K7 as the K7 was over the K20. I know that's going
to be hard to achieve.

I think full frame and improved auto-focus speed is going to have to be part
of that. And they're going to have to have glass available to take advantage
of those improvements.

I think Pentax can be competitive, even a market leader. If that's what they
I've said it before but I'll say it again. IMHO I think Pentax should
become a 3rd party lens manufacturer.

Designing quality optics is what they do best&  I think they could
really do well at it.


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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