2010/1/18 P. J. Alling <webstertwenty...@gmail.com>:
> http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0707/0707.1161v4.pdf

funding information - it is in German but sure you'll understand the
names and the figures - these are for the EIKE instistute in Germeny
which in turn paid those two people and their collaborators

1991 und 2006:  1.280000 US$ von der “Carthage Foundation” und der
„Scaife Foundations“. Diese wiederum werden vom US Milliardär  Richard
Mellon Scaife finanziert, der sein Geld mit Öl (Gulf Oil Corporation),
Aluminium (Alcan, jetzt Teil von Rio Tinto Alcan, grösster
Minenkonzern der Welt), Kohlekraftwerken (Alcoa) und diversen anderen
Firmen im Rohstoffbusiness (Kupfer, Uran) verdient.

also rans:

1994-98: 60500 US$ von Chevron (zweitgrösste US Ölfirma)
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund 25000 US$
Ford Motor Company Fund 500US$ (die sind halt fast pleite)

1997 and 1998: ExxonMobil 5000 US$ pro Jahr

All figures from Sourcewatch, payments allegedly channeled through
CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow).

also, to be fair to both sides, you may want to read what their
critics have to say, seeing that they represent no more than one or
perhaps a few percent (and falling) of the scientific community. and
their key argument is that our liberties are at stake if you look at
EIKE's web site

Heck, makes me wonder how Chevron shows up in Dubya's campaign
contribution list. 232 K from a first round of google just for 2004.
Plus some memorable quotes from O'Reilly about Iraqui oil... there's
liberties for now...

OK now I'm upset where I souldn't be - sorry and I'll go to bed and
maybe or maybe not comment further tomorrow. This is not a way to
convince anyone :[


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