Antennae?  I always thought you were and earthly alien.

On 2/1/2010 3:46 AM, AlunFoto wrote:
It's the curse of not being native English speakers. It _can_ be a
source of misunderstandings, but in general I believe both brits and
americans are more forgiving than your boss would have you think.
Especially about business/science/problem-solving/etc. topics. That's
my experience anyway.

To me, smalltalk is where intonation suddenly conveys strange and
unfathomable things.OTOH, that could speak more about the shortness of
my social antennae than anything else, I guess. :-)


2010/2/1 Boris Liberman<>:
Having returned from the trip to USA, my boss pointed out that I spoke
rather harsh language. Here is an example.

I would say something like "I suggest that we do so and so" and
according to my boss "I suggest" was interpreted specifically as an
order, not as a suggestion or as an indication of one option among
several possible courses of action. My boss indicated that wording it
something like "Perhaps we could proceed like so or so" would have
been interpreted properly.

Few questions:

1. Is indeed this is the case? To the point, my trip was to Maryland
not far from Washington, DC, if that matters.
2. Is there any place where I could read about common phrases so that
I would at least word things in exact way in which I want myself to be
understood. As you realize, it is rather frustrating to say something
and be understood very differently than originally intended...

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Replies off-list will be appreciated as well.


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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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