> From: William Robb
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: lightroom configuration for costco prints
> You can get the same thing by setting your workspace to sRGB.
> Really, if you think it makes a difference, go hard, but you are
> imagining
> it.
> I spent a very long time running these machines.
> I know how photo lab stuff works.
> William Robb
I agree with William. Maybe I'm just lucky but my local Costco does a
fantastic job of 12" x 18" prints. I send them highest resolution jpegs
exported from Lightroom with the sRGB workspace. 

The guys in the store are mostly ex employees of the old London pro labs
which shut down because of the move to digital and they have a good eye -
especially for black and white. They always say that they look forward to my
prints (and those of other local enthusiasts who also use them) coming in
because it's much more interesting than the 200 6 x 4 family holiday snaps
which are their bread and butter. They show me the prints and will always
reprint them at no charge in the rare event that I'm not happy with the
outcome. If they're not too busy we have a good chat as well.

I usually try and get them to the store when they're not too busy. I upload
them overnight during the week and they're ready for collection by lunch
time. And they only charge £1.99 per print. Highly recommended.


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