On 2/20/2010 2:17 PM, Bob W wrote:

On a point of accuracy, it was probably al Qaeda that assassinated
him, not the Taliban.


This is some sort of drama-doc about it. I can't find any
footage but
I remember seeing some at the time. Subsequent events
overshadowed his
assassination though.

At the time the Taliban and A Qaeda were joined at the hip,
and it was a distinction without a difference.  That's still
more or less true.
It's never been true, and it's quite important to make the distinction. We,
the west, are going to have to come to terms with the Taliban at some point.
The Taliban have been around for a long time - long before al Qaeda and
their strand of fundamentalism. They are mentioned in despatches sent from
Afghanistan by the British during Victorian times.

It's unlikely that we'll come to terms with al Qaeda, which will probably
wither away or mutate into something else, rather the way Palestinian
terrorism of the 70s did.

Al Quada's leadership and the Taliban's leadership are joined by ties of blood and marrage. In tribal societies that's more important than ideology, or for that matter ethnicity, but their Ideologies are more than compatible. I doubt the West could ever come to terms with the Taliban, except in the minds of the deluded, or those who are willing to condemn large swaths of their fellow humans to misery so they themselves can be personally comfortable. It is in it's present form a creature of the Pakistani secret service that got out of control. History is full of these little gems. Few know that Hindenburg and Ludindorf, (who were De-facto the leaders of Germany for the last two years of WWI), were responsible in part for the Russian Revolution, their shadow administration sent Lenin to Moscow in a sealed train to help knock Russia out of WWI. It was a ploy that had interesting results. Thirty years later Hitler fough Stalin, I won't comment on the morality of either regime, just to point out that if it weren't for Hitlers predecessors there would probably have been no Stalin to fight. The Taliban is the child of Pakistani Military Intelligence and now the Pakistani Army has to fight them in Pakistan.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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