2010/4/10 Leon Altoff <leon.alt...@gmail.com>:
> Hello everyone,
> I know people in this group are great enablers, so I thought I would
> see if there was someone with a panoramic disc hidden away that they
> don't have any further use for.    I'm after a Gitzo/Manfrotto 3750
> panoramic disc or something that does the same job (I do need to be
> able to lock it in position)  See
> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/611059-REG/Gitzo_GS3750D_GS3750D_Panoramic_Disc.html
> for details.
> If you own and use something like this in a different brand I'm also
> happy to hear about it so I have some options open to me.

I have a Novoflex and honestly think it is the better choice - let me
know if you want the gory detail

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