On 2010-05-07 13:19, Malcolm Smith wrote:

I expect they work better if you have it placed in a
well screened, individual, multi acre plot.

Well, if I can realistically expect to afford a completely custom home, it means the Lottery Fairy visited and price is, practically, not really an object. So, if I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big. :-)

Anyway, I'm more about the land than the house. If price is no object, I'm going to build a pretty modest house in the middle of a property as large as I can afford. There are limits, afterall. But I could easily envision living in a 300 or 400 m^2 (3-4000 ft^2) house on thousands of acres of land.

Bob said that modern architects
don't give any thought to the way people live. Having seen many new and
extended older properties before finally ending up extending where we are,
we often left houses (particularly new ones) wondering why spaces were
divided up in such a way to look attractive but be poorly utilised - vast
hallway and tiny downstairs reception rooms as an example.

Yeah, wasted space is one of my pet peeves. A boatload of new relatively high-end housing was built around my area in the run up to the bursting of the mortgage bubble. A lot of them are sitting empty, so I go around and look at the ones that aren't locked up. I've gotta tell you, the vast majority of them are aesthetic nightmares, for a huge number of reasons including wasted space and rooms apparently designed with the specific purpose of making it impossible to place furniture without blocking doors or traffic flows.

DougF (KG4LMZ)

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