It better contain it's own power supply as well if you're going to mount it on a K1000.

The other problem I see is that if the camera has no information on what the lens is doing then in camera SR will have to be switched off or the two systems will tend to over compensate, possibly by quite a lot.

On 5/20/2010 8:33 PM, Anthony Farr wrote:
If the lens contains its own shake sensor there's no need for the
camera to have SR at all.  Theoretically, it'd work on a K1000 if you
didn't mind manual focusing.

regards, Anthony

    "Of what use is lens and light
     to those who lack in mind and sight"

On 21 May 2010 07:34, P. J. Alling<>  wrote:
On Pentax, yes.   Especially since Pentax doesn't support Optical

On 5/20/2010 5:08 PM, eckinator wrote:
Is use of them mutually exclusive?

2010/5/20 John Whittingham<>:

Could be of interest to all those finding SR useless on long lenses, the
150-500 APO HSM is already listed at Sigma UK.

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