Ditto Peter's comment:


Although I think the softness adds an interesting dreamy quality to your shot.


On 7 July 2010 12:55, P. J. Alling <webstertwenty...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pretty nice, do yourself a favor, save up for a macro lens.  You won't
> regret it, if you want to make better photos like this.  The 135mm Takumar K
> is a pretty soft lens, (some would say too soft),
>  save it for flattering long distance portraits.
> On 7/7/2010 12:17 AM, Walter G. wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This is my third attempt at joining the discussions on this mailing
>> list.  Now that I know it requires plain text formatting, with any
>> luck, this time my message will actually make it through.
>> By way of introduction, my name is Walt Gilbert, I bought my Pentax
>> K-x (my first new DSLR) on May 1 of this year, and I've fallen in love
>> with it.  My interest in photography started a little over a year ago,
>> when I borrowed my dad's Canon Powershot to take snapshots at a local
>> drag strip.  After being disappointed with my first point-and-shoot
>> (Nikon Coolpix S500) I decided I ought to get a DSLR and actually
>> learn how to use one.  So, back in November, I bought a used (but well
>> taken care of) Olympus E20n off eBay for a little over $100 plus
>> shipping -- great pictures, excruciatingly slow write speed.  Then, a
>> friend loaned me his Canon Rebel 300D, which I really enjoyed using.
>> But, of course, I felt I really needed to get a camera of my own, and
>> started doing some research to see what would be the best value for
>> the dollar, and the Pentax K-x was just beginning to generate some
>> buzz.  For several months, I anguished -- do I go with Canon, Nikon,
>> Olympus ... or do I dare go with the Pentax and break away from the
>> herd.  In the meantime, I picked up a second job to start socking away
>> a few dollars here and there while I mulled it over.  When the time
>> finally came, I settled on the K-x -- and even then, the guy at the
>> camera shop seemed to be steering me toward a Sony!
>> But, I stuck to my guns and went with the K-x with the 18-55mm and
>> 50-200mm lens kit.  And I've been utterly happy ever since.  I LOVE my
>> Pentax.
>> All that said, I just thought I'd introduce myself and submit a photo
>> I took today for your approval/disapproval.  Any and all
>> comments/critiques welcome.
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/walt_gilbert/4767841507/
>> K-x, Asahi Takumar (Bayonet) 135mm, Promaster Spectrum 7 - 2X
>> teleconverter, f/2.5, 1/800 sec., ISO 400
>> Thanks,
>> Walt Gilbert
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/walt_gilbert/
>> P/S -- Thanks to Doug for the prompt reply to my query as to why I was
>> having trouble posting messages to the list.
> --
> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0
> Courier New;}}
> \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
> interface subtly weird.\par
> }
> --
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