From: "Bob W"
Not naive, realistic. If the leadership doesn't get results, it doesn't
> long term. So far it's worked, both here and in your country.
> Paul
the naivety is in the use of terms like 'eventually' and 'long term'. The
result of the manipulation that goes on can be seen in examples like the war
in Iraq. So although both the US and UK war leaders are now part of history,
in the short term their manipulations and lies caused 1000s of deaths and
who knows how many ruined lives. And they both won elections _after_ they'd
taken our countries into the war - all based on bare-faced lies. So saying
that we get rid of them in the long term is not much consolation, since the
damage they do is immediate. We need to be able to expose their lies and
manipulations immediately, not eventually.

Even that may not be enough in the face of active collusion by the media corporations.

Both Blair and Bush won their reelections despite widespread knowledge that their war was founded on lies, although in the case of Bush 2004, there is also some question with regard to the actual conduct of the election, how "electronic votes" were counted ... or not.

But the news background, what stories the media chose to pursue, and what stories they ignored had a large effect on perceptions.

As Lincoln noted, "You CAN fool SOME of the people all of the time" ... particularly with modern scientifically applied propaganda techniques.

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