This week's Amateur Photographer reports on the imminent UK photo show: 
Focus on Imaging at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 24-26 Feb.

Of interest:


'The Pentax MZ-6 SLR will get its first public airing, lining up 
alongside the Pentax 645N II medium-format camera.'


'...hottest kit launches, such as the Contax N Digital - the world's 
first publicly available digital SLR of it's type. Using a 24X36mm image 
sensor, the same as 35mm film format, its CCD boasts more than six 


Also of interest, an article about National Geographic photographer 
Mattius Klum who carts the following on his expeditions: five Nikon F5 
bodies, 17 Nikkor lenses, Pentax 645 and 67 and a Leica M6 [presumably 
stuffed up his sleeve after all that lot...;-)  ]

However, a couple of the superb animal shots in the mag were taken with 
LX: one is a BCU of a lion's head shot with 'Pentax LX, 600mm f/4' along 
with a monkey shot, and a slight abstract of a Borneo valley shot with 
'Pentax LX, 200mm lens'


So rare, I thought I'd mention this one:

Nicholas Camera Company, 15 High St, London (0207 916 7251) are 
advertising a lot headed simply: 'Property of a Gentleman' (!) and then 
lists a load of expensive stuff like a Nikon S3 2000 model, plus some 
Nikon junk, er lenses, but interestingly:

'2000 Pentax Mirror - adapted to suit any SLR'

I take it that this means he *can* adapt it? Or have they machined a 
Tamron Adaptall mount on it? 2000mm!! Sheesh. I'd be able to see most of 
you from here, looking through that :-)



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