   I do a lot of concert photography at often impossible venues (wrt
   to light <g>), as well as "available dark" photography. I have yet
   to find a liking for the Delta3200/TMZ3200 films (I dislike them so
   far, but perhaps I haven't found yet a perfect devel. combo for
   them. The TMZ I tried in Tmax dev, and it quite sucked grain-wise).

   Having relatively fast lenses (surprisingly, a 1.4/50 is one
   of my most used concert lenses. Being sidestage helps of course), I
   usually push to 1600. I use Ilford HP5+ mostly (a friend uses TX),
   which is 400 film. Developed in Microphen (stock) (oneshot), pushed
   to 1600, it works perfectly. Much better than pushing a T-grain
   film, IMHO (From my humble experience and that of others as well,
   the 400 speed T grain films don't push well at all, requiring too
   much hard grade printing to get any shadow separation).

   The HP5+/TX are IMHO one of the best films ever for pushprocessing,
   I have even pushed HP5+ to 3200 (although that requires a more flat
   lighting than usually on stage for best results, and precise exposure)
   with nice results.

   Of course, if you have slow lenses or need the speed really much,
   perhaps only a Delta 3200 or similar would do the job. Others here
   have much experience with them up to 6400 or 12500 I think.

   Good dark,
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