Hi all,

I bought a used PZ-1 in the US a few years ago but hardly used it. 
Subsequently, I moved to India and have been using it off and on, 
more as a "tourist" photographer only. 

I have 2 lenses: FA 28-200mm Pentax and A 50mm/f1.7 Pentax (manual 
focus) that I bought used. I usually used the 28-200 lens even though
I know that such large-range zooms will never give very good 
performance. However, I liked the ability to capture landscapes at 
28-35mm as well as subjects of interest at 120-150mm when travelling
as a tourist.

Lately, I observed that my pictures aren't any good compared to what
fellow tourists take primarily with their P&S or sometimes with 
Canon EOS Rebel (2 of my friends have this one). Neither the focus
is as great (clarity misses out), nor is the color, brightness and
contrast. Somehow, something is always missing in my pictures. 

I had read quite a few books on photography while in the US 3 
years ago and had felt that I knew what I was doing when I put the
camera in Aperture priority mode, and click at f8 or f16. Obviously,
I am wrong somewhere.

Then lately, I started using the 50mm/f1.7 manual focus thinking that
the prime might be much better. The results are hardly any good
compared to 28-200. I mostly shoot Kodak or Fuji films of speed 100
or 200. I have changed my developer couple of times and did see some
difference but nothing major :-(

What could I be doing wrong? Is the metering mode on my PZ-1 set 
incorrectly?? I do not have its manual with me. I usually leave
the camera in HyP mode, and select either Aperture (when taking
lanscapes or portraits) or Shutter (when photographing traffic or
waterfalls, river). I typically never use the spot-metering.

Also, I have been able to make use of DoF and regret this. Try as 
hard as I might, I can hardly figure that something is indeed going
out of focus at small apertures (i.e., wider openings). 

Any tips, criticism, suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks!!
I am relatively new to PUG and so pardom me if I have violated 
the charter/norms of the mailing list.


Bangalore, INDIA.

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