From: eckinator

2010/12/5 John Francis <>:
> For around half the weight (and half the maximum aperture) you could have
> one with a slightly longer reach that was compatible with your existing
> equipment. ?The trick is to find one at around half the price, too :-)
> ? ?
> ? ?
> ? ?
I know... I've been begging to catch one for ages... IIRC there
actually was one in the bay last year that did go for around half the
price but I missed it. I'll happily plunge up to my neck into debt for
one the moment someone decides to sell theirs.
Are you reading this, whoever you are?

Every once in a while, just for giggles & grins, I search for "Pentax 800mm f4". Always turns the same one up, listed as "In Stock, Used" - priced something like $7600 with a button for "Make an Offer".

Always cheers me up after I've been working on my budget.

If I can manage to stick to the budget, my projected income exceeds my projected expenses by about $7.60 a month. If I devote all of my surplus towards it, I should be able to buy it in another 83 years. 8-D

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