----- Original Message ----- From: "Collin Brendemuehl" Subject: OT: Enlarger Lens Coverage
> Good news. > The Fujinon 105/5.6 EP enlarging lens > covers all but the very tips of a 4x5. > Great lens. Great contrast. Aren't the Fujinons nice? I have both 50mm and 80mm Fujinons. The 80mm covers the 6x7 negative quite nicely, and even the 50 is not too shy of covering it. I think it might cover the 645 format. They are specatularly sharp and contrasty right to the edges as well. Much more so that my Rodenstocks of the same focal lengths. William Robb - This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List. To unsubscribe, go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .