2011/3/25 Cotty <cotty...@mac.com>:
> On 25/3/11, AlunFoto, discombobulated, unleashed:
>> The temperature in
>>Longyearbyen when we started was -25 °C
> Look forward to the pics!
> I spent 5 minutes in an industrial deep freeze once at -25c and after
> half the time it became a trial to even breathe. Mind you, no
> acclimatisation, straight in and out from room temp, so probably the
> worst possible way to do it. But I take my hat off to you - you Vikes
> must have ice in the blood!

Ouch, that's definately brutal. And how about clothing?

We had four or five layers of clothing, mind you, so apart from
exposed extremities, it was actually pretty comfy. I had thin gloves
inside huge mittens to avoid exposing my hands while shooting. The
gloves sufficed for snap sessions up to 15 minutes before feeling the
cold. And btw, the snowmobiles had heating elements in the handlebars.

Pics will probably have to wait a couple of days. I only have about
one hour computer time today, and none tomorrow.


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