On 2011-04-24 12:17 , Rick Womer wrote:
A few months later... the power strip feeding the monitor got turned off, and when I connect the 
MBP... nothing.  The computer knows the monitor is there, but the monitor won't recognize the 
computer.  When I ask the monitor to "scan sources" it doesn't find anything.  When I 
choose VGA, it says "no VGA cable", which is complete bullshit because there it is, 
plugged in (and re-plugged-in, via an adapter to the Mac's mini display port).

if i'm reading this right, i'd suggest a Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter instead of the VGA adapter -- all-digital signal path will be cleaner; i got one from monoprice.com that is not quite as pretty but much less expensive than the Apple adapter

could also be a cable problem -- sometimes wiggling the cable at each end will make this clear; i've had a surprising number of display cables flake out after months of working fine (DVI and HDMI especially)

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