My mind just stopped at "I thought people like Larry, who are crazy . . ."

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Igor Roshchin <> wrote:
> Sorry, Larry, I was a bit facetious. Probably, I should have written
> "crazy" (in the quotation marks).
> As for what your friend has done articstically, I am sure people
> studying neural networks, clusters, etc. have created similar maps
> long time ago. I've actually seen some scientific talks where similar maps
> were shown for some social networks.
> Well, maybe you friend is one of such researchers...
> Cheers,
> Igor
> Thu Oct 20 17:31:56 EDT 2011
> Larry Colen wrote:
>> On 10/20/2011 1:51 PM, Igor Roshchin wrote:
>> >
>> > It's about 1-year old. But I just discovered it...
>> > I thought people like Larry, who are crazy about GPS-tagging photos,
>> >   might be excited about this interesting capability of synchronizing
>> > video with the map.
>> I wouldn't say that I'm crazy about it.  There are definite uses for
>> doing so, mostly for being able to find the spot you took the shot from,
>> or finding out the names of geographical features in the neighborhood.
>> My friend Eric, however, does some fun things with geotag data:
> --
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