On 28/05/2012 11:22 AM, Stan Halpin wrote:
Oh, and one other thing. You'll have problems with tall kids blocking the short kids, 
etc. It can help if you tell them over and over "if you can't see the camera, you 
need to move. If you can't see the camera, the camera can't see you."

Any time I'm shooting large groups, I find a perch that puts me above them, be it a ladder, a set of bleachers, or whatever. I'm not averse to backing up a quite a distance if I need to in order to get a higher point of view. I once shot a large group picture (a hundred or so Army Cadets) with an 85mm lens (on APS-C digital) because I had backed up that far to get my vantage point. If the photographer is above the group, it is much easier to ensure that everyone will be visible.

William Robb

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