On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Aahz Maruch <a...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 06, 2013, J.C. O'Connell wrote:
>> On 7/6/2013 2:19 AM, Aahz Maruch wrote:
>>>On Sat, Jul 06, 2013, Bipin Gupta wrote:
>>>>What Aahz, whats this "would need to get a K-5 first... ;-)" ?? With
>>>>prices hitting the bottom most at around $ 600 please grab one.
>>>>You wont regret it. Even the K-5 II is hardly $ 70 more than the K-5.
>>>The problem isn't the body, it's the glass.  I don't own any Pentax
>>>equipment currently (I rented for my cruise), and I haven't decided yet
>>>what kind of equipment I want to get medium-term.
>> If I was starting from scratch, I would go with NIkon, better range of
>> dslrs and you can use newer af glass, as well as vintage mf glass.
>> No FF with Pentax, no vintage mf glass with Canon.
> Nikon weather-resistant lenses are more spendy than Pentax, I don't care
> about FF, I like in-camera shake reduction for prime lenses, and I have
> a soft spot for Pentax because I grew up with it.  Basically, my choices
> boil down to Pentax, m4/3, or high-end P&S with occasional equipment
> rental when I need the best (the last is what I'm currently doing).
> As I mentioned in another post recently, my impression is that long-term
> (more than 5-10 years out), *all* the camera makers are poor bets due to
> likely technological disruption, which makes me leery of investing in
> glass.

5-10 years out you could be bored with photography, blind or dead. Buy
glass now while you can still enjoy it. :-)


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