I think it is a matter a personal preference. At one time in the past I bought a couple of pro-packs of FP4 and worked my way through them, probably using D76 or and Rodinal, but I did not take a shine to it and went back to Plus-X. I found the FP4 to have less grain than Plus-X, but more than the T Grain films, and if grain concerned me I would use TMax or Delta 100. If I wanted the organic results of old style film, I preferred Plus-X or, in the right developer, Neopan SS. I bought another brick of FP4 earlier this year as I have been casting about for a good ISO-100 film, now that my stock of Neopan SS is used up. Again - I found the FP4 to be OK but just lacking the snap that I am looking for. I recognize those are subjective terms, but my decision is purely subject.

I still have not found a currently available 35mm ISO 100 film that I really love. I am going to give the Kentmere 100 a try. Arista EDU seems to be good and may be what I settle on. In 120 format I still have substantial stocks of APX-100 and Plus-X.


On 7/27/2013 7:48 PM, P.J. Alling wrote:
I know there is some disagreement about this, but in my experience Ilford FP-4 Plus is comparable to Kodak Plus X with a couple of exceptions. The important one being that FP-4 seems to look sharper, oh yes, and it's also still manufactured. I used to buy FP-4 because it was less expensive. They're both old fashioned, well more or less, traditional films.

On 7/27/2013 12:39 PM, Mark C wrote:
A little while ago the topic of Plus-X film came up. I just stumbled into this:


At $6.98 per roll it is a bit too pricey for me (I have a dozen roll in the freezer already) but if anyone wants to get some it seems like they have it.

This place also sells a house film called Ultrafine Xtreme which is rumored to be re-branded Kentmere. I don't know if that is true or not but the films look exactly the same and my preliminary tests (I've only tried 2 rolls and only in Rodinal) have yeilded very consistent results between the two. The published times for the films are significantly different - but, for Rodinal 1:50 at least, the published time for the Ultrafine seems significantly too short.


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