Drive west on Charleston (route 159) to Red Rock Canyon early in the morning... It's about a 20 minute drive as I remember and there is a loop road with foot trails going off it and a vistors center with more info. It was my get away place when I was caring for Richard because I couldn't be gone long... then go back to town by continuing on 159 and possibly stop at Spring Valley ranch - 159 will bring you back to LV from the south.

I haven't been there since 1993 -- but spent a lot of time there- long story why

Downtown used to be funky and fun for shooting... not sure what the
story is these days.

really good, cheap mexican food here El Sombrero - my fave and apparently still in favor with locals - I miss it.

here is an old shot of mine from red rock!i=2133090605&k=zwXG8g9&lb=1&s=A

Have fun!


On 12/28/2013 13:09, wrote:
Anyone been to Las Vegas in recent memory? Know  any good photo spots, in
town, or out?

Going with a friend in about a  week (big electronic show), and haven't
been there since I was about 15. I am  not a gambler. I will visit the show for
a while, but it's not really my  thing.

Googling I have found:  Valley of Fire (red rock formations,  1 hour
north), Goodsprings (ghost town, 30 minutes south), and in Las Vegas  itself:  a
mock Venetian street with water and gondolas, a mock Eiffel  tower, a mock
Sphinx, and a neon sign boneyard (junk yard of old Las Vegas  signs).

Sometimes people on this list know where to shoot. Anything I've  missed?
Or shouldn't miss?

Thanks in advance, Marnie aka Doe  :-)   Probably no one on this list has
been there at all recently.

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